How can we support
your business expansion in Africa?Health and Tec will support your business by implementing IT systems compatible with the environment in Africa, providing IT consultation, and introducing local coordinators.
We provide support to a wide range of organization such as private companies, NGOs, government agencies, and international organizations that are currently implementing or considering projects in Africa.
- How is African
market entry viability of
your company - Optimize your Business
in Africa with IT solutions - Coordinate with African
trading practices
The above are typical examples. If you have any other inquiries, please feel free to contact Health and Tec.
Solution Services
- Health and Tec will support your business in Africa through SDGs Information Platform Solutions and Africa IT Consultation.
SDGs Information Platform
SolutionsThe three processes that consume a lot of time and effort: 1. Identity Verification; 2. Recording Information; 3. Balance management, remittance, and settlement are fully electronic and integrated with a simple mechanism, realizing early start-up of business and optimization of operation.Africa IT ConsultationWe provide consultation services for IT utilization support to execute local development projects and development support plans incorporating IT.
- Here we introduce the projects Health & Tech LLC are working on in Africa with our partners.
Front Line News
- Here we introduce news and information you can learn about current Africa.

(23 September 2023)
Democratic Republic of the Congo

(23 July 2022)
statistics See more about Front Line News
Business Partners and cooperative company
- Health and Tec does business/cooperates with private companies, financial institutions, government agencies, aid agencies and organizations operating in Africa.
- Thank you for visiting Health and Tec. Please send your inquiry after read and agree to our privacy policy. We will reply in the coming few days. Please note it may take few more days to answer in case we are on overseas business trip.
You can contact us without any charge.
Please feel free to contact us.